Discours de banquet pour mon pere -12/12/2016

Mon premier discours commandé et ce fut un discours pour mon père, parce qu'il avait besoin d'un discours de congrès de Noël pour la soirée autour d'un banquet. Un discours qui ne pouvait pas durer plus long que deux minutes et vous le voyez ici-même dans son intégralité. Le discours est en Anglais, pour la simple raison que c'est une compagnie anglaise où il travaille, la langue "dominante des affaires".

My fellow colleagues. People of the Administration. We are now gathered around this banquet on this holiday season to summarize the year that has passed before us. 2016 was a good year in which we amassed a good and steady fortune that we can all appreciate in the parking business, could it be for this year and for many years to come. Of course, we can probably bet on it, because parking is an essential service for all, it will be there for people just as long as people will have cars, that now remains just as certain as the turning of the earth.

But now, I stand before you as one of your oldest colleagues, and some would call me the dean of this establishment. As a result of being a dean in a business, I’ve led a fruitful professional life and like you, I was also blessed with the grand and long career that this great company afforded me. I`ve also led as much of a wonderful life at home as I raised two wonderful boys who are now adults thriving to find their own means in this world.

For almost thirty years, I have known practically everything of the inner workings of this company, but if there is something that I do know about what can make a company great, it’s only because of will. It is because of will that a team can work properly with one another. It’s also because of motivation that you can give an appropriate performance. Yet, will seems like it is the key to anything, even for success, because without will, there is no ambition and without will, there is no self-affirmation. Will plays a crucial part in a man’s fate and life, because without will, there is no such thing as perseverance. If you’re born without will, you`re also born without identity, self-respect and hope.

So on this season of Christmas, we can think about our own achievements and as we can find people who are more misfortunate than ourselves and who are going through the holidays in the midst of loneliness and poverty. So if you`re lonely on this holiday season, you shouldn’t stop to think that someone that you may know is also lonely somewhere in the world, and then you would realize that the two of you aren’t exactly lonely, it’s only the distance that separates.

(Find a glass with wine and raised it. - Toast )Now, as we are on the final resting place of the year of 2016, we shall give its final exit and farewell and we shall welcome a new year of hopeful success, abundance and health and most importantly goodwill and prosperity. (Hold for applause)

- 12/12/2016

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