Best Worst Movie (2009) / Documentary by Michael Paul Stephenson- Stephenson's perfect film for a cult film's second life.
This has gone a couple of months or so, since I've probably seen the film Troll 2 , starring Michael Paul Stephenson as a tyke. And ever since his documentary on his past experiences as an up and coming child star, while acting in a film, that is infamous amongst the critic circles, as one of the "worst films ever created", his directorial debut astounded me. It's reasonably an average film, not a masterpiece mind you, but an average film. In a slight defense for Troll 2 , it is the most unjust title it could ever had, as "one of the worst films ever made". Also because, there is a paradox, how can a movie, being the "worst", bring some much joy and excitement to thousands and thousands of a cultish audience who come in droves just to see this in very packed theatres ? There, of course, lies the paradox, because a true "worst film" would drive you mad with irritation and anger, logically speaking. A "worst film" finds it way t