The Howling(1981)/Dir:Joe Dante, Screenplay: Jon Sayles and Terrence H. Winkless - A great 80’s horror film

Well, I’ve finally done it this time evenly, I finished my small maze videogame that took me almost to forever to make, it’s really why you haven’t seen me in roughly three weeks on this blog. But heck, I try to make my existence known here someway or somehow. So to put things into perspective, to ease off some pressure or stress, I decided to watch a great horror flick, directed by Joe Dante, The Howling, who also made Gremlins, Gremlins II, Innerspace and Small Soldiers. Great movies, if I do say so myself, especially Innerspace, it’s a movie with Martin Short that simply has it all, a great concept and great premise. Now I’m just dying to see another release of a Joe Dante sci-fi epic in the works.

And now, I was viewing an 80’s classic, and it transpires everything about the 80’s because it has Dee Wallace-Stone in it, a phenomenal actress that has made most of her career in horror chillers and science-fiction films. Maybe it’s both the genres that she likes, or the directors or what not, because in them, she only seems to shine.

The writing by John Sayles and Terrence Winkless is absolutely amazing and flawless. John Sayles, being himself, an excellent screenwriter that is beyond reproach, if you’ve seen most of the films that he’s written, such as Piranha, Alligator and Lone Star. The direction by Joe Dante, is absolutely spotless and increasingly finely tuned to the film’s atmosphere. The make up and wolf transformation effects by Rob Bottin, are downright beautiful and convincing without having any use for CGI for the time being, while it was made in 1981.

The film is also made out of numerous character actors such as Slim Pickens, John Carradine, Patrick McNee and Kevin McCarthy. It’s actually the first film, in which we see Dee Wallace acting with her soon- to-be husband Christopher Stone, who plays in the film Wallace’s husband, while she portrays a news anchorwoman who suffers a traumatic incident with a serial rapist, Eddie Quist. And Eddie Quist is also a werewolf.

You have to see it to believe it. everything in it seems so flawless, and it’ll keep you on the edge of your seat, with every possible way of keeping you on the edge of it. It's probably the first werewolf that has spawn imitations and sequels, which both the sequels and the imitations don't deliver to the original any justice.



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