Oliver Stone's W

So yeah... The guy used to be so damn great too. It's almost too damning for himIt's pretty much it and to review a movie, that I've seen probably in theaters for 7 $, it couldn't have gotten any better than here or there. But of course, being an Oliver Stone fan, since probably forever. I couldn't help but notice the decline that he had over the years. Although even some of his movies appear to strike a chord amongst the people who are patriots. With the film World Trade Center, in recent years, which takes an intimistic look at the NYPD officers who get trapped in the rubble, when both of the towers collide and brew to the dust, in enormous plumes of smoke. That particular film with Nicolas Cage, faired very good with me, but the man has done better. What he done better, was way before the days in which he made Natural Born Killers, during the mid-90's.Now every psychotic and sociopathic kid on the block, is using Natural Born Killers, as a pretext for their own little murders, ranging from mass serial killing in schools, and what the hell not.By far, it's right now a biopic about the most infamous president who has ever walked the earth, or close. Often being labelled by the liberal media for being the worst president the country has ever have. The movie depicting all of the toils of the president coming to power, his hard lifestyle being a young alcoholic, who is immersed in the shadows of his own father being himself George H.W. Bush, the father president who had a complete retard for a vice-president, going by the name of Dan Quayle.It wanted to portray how this obvious but quite warm and sympathetic schmuck's ascension to power. Pretty much going over his days when he was himself the Governor of Texas. Stone is himself an avid researcher in many of his subjects, making some of his films such as Platoon, Heaven and Earth, Born on the Fourth of July and JFK, timeless masterpieces.While even though Stone used the same approach as he would have with another film Nixon, he didn't made the proper casting of his own characters, because for each actor I didn't actually believed in the characters they were portraying. Josh Brolin seems so off as George W. Bush, that I could have expected another actor playing him. Not that he is an awful actor, he's a wonderful and stupendous actor, when he does roles that seem to be tailor-made for him from the very beginning. Such as No Country for Old Men ; Brolin seems to be squarely that role, and I couldn't see him being the last president that we had during eight grueling years. James Cromwell didn't seem to me as Bush's father, quite as thought out as it would be. That's really what happens if you don't that the actors are properly cast for the role, then you start in not believing the acting that's going on.Stone should have chosen great but unknown actors to play the lead characters, that would have been made with more credibility. Although, it's not because in part of the choice of the actors, but the best years of Oliver Stone seem to be behind him. Everything that he does seems caricatural to be taken any seriously, and this was after Natural Born Killers.Even more, if it wasn't perfectly cast, the performances themselves were quite lacking, in being way over the top, like kabuki theater.Look for this movie if you're an Oliver Stone fan like I am, if not just don't bother.



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